管理番号 | 新品 :04921603 | 発売日 | 2024/10/15 | 定価 | 8,000円 | 型番 | 04921603 | ||
カテゴリ |
英語の勉強用で購入しました。よかったら読んでください。定価15000円ほどでした。内容紹介Asked to ame a isect society, most of us--whether casual or professioal studets of ature--quickly poit to oe of the so-called eusocial marvels: the at coloy, the beehive, the termite moud, the wasp est. Each is awe-ispirig i its divisio of labor--collective defese, foragig, ad estbuildig. Yet E. O. Wilso cautioed back i 1971 that sociality should be defied more broadly, "i order to prevet the arbitrary exclusio of may iterestig pheomea." Thirty-five years later, James T. Costa gives those iterestig pheomea their due. He argues that, i tryig to solve the puzzle of how highly eusocial behaviors evolved i a few isect orders, evolutioary biologists have eglected the more diverse social arragemets i the remaiig twety-eight orders--isect societies that do"t fit the eusocial schema. Costa sythesizes here for the first time the scattered literature about social pheomea across the arthropod〜